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10:30am @ The Venue at Freedom Farms

4701 North Porter Ave, Norman, OK



"It is my hope and prayer that our church sees the Gospel change our identity and compel new activity, so that we treasure Jesus in all of life"



Thanks for stopping by! We’re glad you’re here and hope to see you at one of our Sunday Gatherings. For us, Sundays aren’t something we merely attend or do. We aren’t a building or an event production. At the end of the day, we are a family - the body of Christ - made up of sinners saved by grace. A diverse group of people who are united around one thing - the gospel. So whether you are a seeker, skeptic, or a Christian, you're invited! Our church is full of imperfect people who badly need a Savior to rescue us —which is why we like to say it’s okay to not be okay.


Rather than feeling the need to pretend and fake it in church, the cross of Jesus enables us to be totally honest about where we’re at. At the same time the resurrection of Jesus enables us to not have to stay there. Grace meets us where we are and moves us to where we're not. This is why we gather on Sundays - to be reminded of this spectacular reality! So whether you are in a season of suffering or success, sorrow or joy, whether you have questions & doubts about Jesus, are fighting loneliness, or are just looking for a healthy gospel-centered church, we'd love to have you join us on a Sunday as we worship Jesus together. 

  • When do I need to get there?
    It’s a good idea to arrive at least 10-15 minutes early in order to have plenty of time to park, get kids checked in and connect with others. Our service starts at 10:30AM, but the Sanctuary doors and child check-in is open at 10:15AM.
  • What should I wear?
    You’re invited to come as you are, whether it’s a suit or shorts or whatever you feel most comfortable wearing. Our members and attendees tend to dress pretty casual.
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"My prayer for the Well is that every man, woman, & child who comes would feel welcomed, loved, & hear the really good news of Jesus!"



Well Kids exists to fulfill the vision of the church by partnering with parents to build a gospel-saturated foundation for their children’s lives. On Sundays, we provide a safe learning environment for children 6 months-Kindergarten where they can have fun learning about Jesus together through age-appropriate worship and play, providing parents with the necessary time, resources, and  encouragement they need to go and make disciples at home!


Each of our volunteers has completed a rigorous safety screening process, both a ministry-specific and child safety training, and stands ready to serve you and your family with the love of Jesus!

For more information about Well Kids, email me at Checking in for the first time? Get a head start on your first-time family registration form by clicking "Forms" below!


The Lord has been consistently growing our church! Starting Sunday April 10th, we began holding our Sunday morning gatherings at The Venue @ Freedom Farms. While we are in a new place, we know the church is not a place we go! It's a family we belong to. So while things may look different, The Well is full of the same people, heralds the same gospel, and belongs to the same God! So come join us!

As we make this shift, here's some details to help you know what to expect!

4701 North Porter Ave, Norman, Ok
Sunday mornings 10:30 am 

The Venue @ Freedom Farms is just South of Franklin Road on North Porter Avenue. â€‹We'll have some Well Church flags at the entrance to help you find us!


Parking is to your left as you drive in. The main venue is just a short walk to the East. You can't miss it!


And follow along with our progress toward our very first building in Moore, coming Spring 2025!

Well Kids
Location / Parking / Walkways / Road Safety / Path
  • You can find our new kids building north of the main worship venue, walking left (instead of right) out of the parking lot. Check-in will be immediately inside! 

  • For the safety of child and parents alike, cars will NOT be allowed to drive in front of the kids building or around the main worship center. 

  • Parents are welcome to drop off their children at their rooms down the hall until 10:45am. Afterwards, the building will remain locked until noon.

  • To drop-off late, pick up early, or access the Family Room, please knock and a Coordinator or staff member will be able to assist you. 

  • Please be aware of your children before and after service as there is a wet weather creek to the East that has good water flow after rains. No unsupervised exploring!

Family Room 
  • The check-in lobby will also double as a Family Room for parents with children who simply need a quiet place to wiggle, fuss, or move about.

  • Light resources (coloring pages & toys) will be available for kids.

  • A family restroom equipped with a diaper changing station will also be available for parents with children birth-K. Please notify a Coordinator before walking behind the check-in counter. 

Parent Paging
  • If, for any reason, we need to contact you regarding the care or well being of your child, a Coordinator or staff member will call you. Please have your cell phones available.

  • For emergencies, a Coordinator or staff member will also have a radio directly connected to our Connections & Safety teams.

Room Divisions / Age Groups
  • To begin, Well Kids will be divided into three classrooms/ages - Room 1 (6-23 months), Room 2 (2-3 years), & Room 4 (4-K) - until we are able to support our fourth and final room in August, assuming we can recruit the necessary number of volunteers.

  • Once all four classrooms are fully staffed and operational, Well Kids will be able to welcome, teach, and care for up to 64 children (6 mon-K) in 2,356 sqft of active learning space!

Nursing Mothers


  • For privacy and to minimize distractions, we will be reserving the southeast partitioned corner of the main worship venue (immediately to the right after you walk in) for nursing mothers only. Bottled water, kleenex, and seating will be provided.

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